Création de société aux États-UnisIncorporation of U.S. Companies
Dépôt de marque aux États-UnisRegistration of U.S. Trademarks


What They Say about CorpoMax

"... I just wanted to thank you... and I'll be sure to recommend you if I come across anyone who wants to incorporate a business in the U.S."

— N.L., France

CorpoMax Videos


What They Say about CorpoMax


"A Quebec guy incorporates businesses in French in the U.S."
Journal of Montreal
Full Article (in French)

"The State of Corporate Wedding"
Le Devoir Journal
Full Article (in French)

"Incorporation of a Company in the U.S.: Typology, Advantages and Disadvantages"
Quebec Bar Association Journal
Full Article (in French)


Radio Interview with Mr. Vincent Allard, in Wilmington (Delaware)
Radio France
Audio Clip (in French)