Création de société aux États-UnisIncorporation of U.S. Companies
Dépôt de marque aux États-UnisRegistration of U.S. Trademarks

Incorporation Services

What They Say about CorpoMax

"I really appreciate the work you have done. You are very efficient and well organized. I want to thank you. We'll surely have to talk again during the current year."

— André Couture, Director, Finance and Corporate Development, Creaform Inc., Lévis QC, Canada

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Why Delaware?

Fifteen Advantages

  1. International Reputation

    Delaware is universally recognized as the most corporate-friendly U.S. State and the best place to incorporate a business in the United States. Over 63% of Fortune's 500 companies and 50% of companies registered with the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ are Delaware companies.

  2. Public Records

    LLC: Information about names and addresses of Members and Managers of a Delaware LLC is not available on public records of the Delaware Division of Corporations (except if listed in the Certificate of Formation or in any other corporate document filed). During organization process, there is no obligation to provide this information to the Delaware Division of Corporations.

    Corporation: Information about names and addresses of Shareholders, Directors and Officers of a Delaware Corporation is not available on public records of the Delaware Division of Corporations (except if listed in the Certificate of Incorporation or in any other corporate document filed). During incorporation process, there is no obligation to provide this information to the Delaware Division of Corporations. However, on March 1 of each year, any Corporation must file an annual corporate report, which contains the name and address of Directors and Officers of the Corporation.

  3. Investment Required

    No minimum capital investment in the Company is required. In addition, shares issued may have no par value.

  4. Bank Account

    The Company has no obligation to have a bank account in the State of Delaware.

  5. Headquarters

    The Company has no obligation to have its headquarters in the State of Delaware, nor to conduct any business in this State. Actually most shareholders, directors and officers of Delaware companies never set foot in this State. The sole obligation for the Company doing business somewhere else than Delaware is to be represented by a Registered Agent in Delaware, such as CorpoMax.

  6. Shareholders, Directors and Officers

    The same person can be Shareholder, Director and Officer (e.g. President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) of a Delaware Company. In addition, there is no obligation for Shareholders, Directors and Officers to reside in Delaware nor to hold any meetings there.

  7. Freedom of Directors

    Directors can establish the price they wish for the sale of the Company's shares. They can also adopt, modify or repeal any Company bylaw.

  8. Corporate Income Tax

    If the Company does not do business in Delaware, it does not have to pay any income tax to the State.

  9. Personal Income Tax and Sales Tax

    If a Delaware Company shareholder does not reside in the State, he has no tax to pay to pay concerning the Shares. In addition, there is no sales tax in Delaware.

  10. Inheritance Tax

    If a Delaware Company shareholder does not reside in the State, the said shares are not subject to inheritance tax in case of death.

  11. Favorable Legislation

    Delaware adopted a whole set of corporate laws which are very favorable to companies and which recognize contractual freedom. The "General Law Corporation" of Delaware is one of the most evolved and flexible corporate laws in the United States. Moreover, the lawmaker constantly updates the laws concerning companies in order to meet their needs for effectiveness.

  12. Specialized Courts

    The Courts of Delaware and, in particular, the Court exclusively dedicated to corporate businesses (Court of Chancery), are unique in the United States. They are backed by over 200 years of jurisprudence, ensuring predictability and stability of legal decisions.

  13. Incorporation Costs and Annual Tax

    The incorporation costs of a Delaware Company are among the lowest in the United States. In addition, the annual Franchise Tax is comparable to any other state Franchise Tax.

  14. Express Incorporation

    It is possible to incorporate a Delaware Company rapidly, in as little as half an hour (for an additional fee).

  15. Easy Incorporation

    Thanks to CorpoMax, it is very easy to incorporate a Delaware Company, without even requiring you to come to the United States. You simply have to fill in our online order form.